It often takes time to custom craft dentures or manufacture precision prosthetics (although some advanced dental clinics can do so rather quickly due to advanced technology, cutting-edge equipment, and expertise to do so in-house. As a result, you may have to wait weeks to receive your permanent dentures, whether it be a set of full dentures, partial dentures, or dental bridges. Obviously, this can be a problem for many who need functioning teeth to go about their daily lives.
That’s where immediate dentures (or temporary dentures) come in. Immediate dentures are designed to be inserted and fitted into a patient's mouth right after surgery, usually following teeth extraction. These custom-made pieces aren’t meant to be permanent. Instead, they are designed to protect your gums and teeth and provide functionality while your mouth heals and while you await the tooth restoration replacement of your choice.
It often takes time to custom craft dentures or manufacture precision prosthetics (although some advanced dental clinics can do so rather quickly due to advanced technology, cutting-edge equipment, and expertise to do so in-house. As a result, you may have to wait weeks to receive your permanent dentures, whether it be a set of full dentures, partial dentures, or dental bridges. This can be a problem for many who need functioning teeth to go about their daily lives.