A Denturist is a dental health care professional who provides denture care directly to the public. Denturists examine patients who are missing some or all their teeth, and can design, construct, repair and alter removable dentures.
A Denturist is an independent, self-regulated professional who works with other oral health care providers, including Dentists, Dental Hygienists, Oral Surgeons, Dental Technologists, and Laboratory Technicians as part of the Oral Health Team to provide the best denture care and service to their patients.
Dentures are artificial teeth designed and fabricated as aesthetic and functional replacements for real teeth. Dentures can come in a variety designs and applications. Patients today can choose between a selection of these varieties like traditional but still popular full set of removable dentures, partial dentures, and implant-supported denture solutions.
Each individual denture treatment has its own set of advantages and disadvantages that every patient should consider before making a final decision.
Our Denturist’s will provide you with the best and up to date knowledge on each.

Most people think of dentures as the false teeth of their grandparents. But dentures today actually come in several different varieties depending on the individual needs and lifestyle expectations of their wearers. In fact, some dentures are permanent solutions that can’t be removed. Far from your grandparents’ clunky old dentures, today’s alternatives utilize a variety of cutting-edge materials, are lighter, stronger, more resilient, more comfortable, and generally fit more naturally and more precisely than the dentures of yesterday. The first-time people see or hear about dentures is usually in relation to their grandparents or another elderly figure. Sure, dentures are often associated with older people, but that isn’t always the case. Dentures have come a long way since the days of your grandparents. For many, especially young and middle-aged people, dentures often conjure up images of unwieldy, false teeth floating in a cup of water. While similar in concept, modern dentures are very different from the large old teeth, most people have in mind. Modern dentures can come in many shapes and sizes. They can be called partial dentures or complete dentures. There are even implant-supported dentures. More importantly, depending on the application, modern dentures needn’t even be removable. Permanent dentures are a real possibility, although quite different than most people’s idea of what dentures are. Of course, one of the most significant drawbacks of old-school dentures was the genuine possibility that they might accidentally fall out. Imagine the embarrassment someone might experience if their teeth were to slide out of their mouth accidentally. In the past, dentures were primarily crafted out of a single block of material, usually, resin, and manufactured in standard sizes. Like buying a suit of the rack, as opposed to a customized fit, standard sizes often resulted in a poor fit for many people. This was a real problem; after all, no two mouths are the exact shape and size. While dental professionals recognized this shortcoming at the time, the technology wasn’t available to create a custom piece economically and affordably for every individual. Custom dentures had to be made by hand by an artisan. As a result, lots of patients opted for off the rack products. Unfortunately, decades of ill-fitting traditional dentures have given dentures a bit of a bad name. Luckily, that’s where modern digital and dental technologies have made an enormous difference. Not only are there permanent denture solutions (that involve mechanically anchoring dentures in place), but the process of crafting and fitting removable dentures has also advanced dramatically as well.

At Dentures Ajax, we understand that every patient has their own unique needs and expectations for their dentures.
Our patients can rest assured knowing that their dentures are personalized specifically for them.
Contact us to get the process started.